
Small (But Mighty) Weather Instruments

In this image, the COWVR and TEMPEST instruments are shown in the trunk of the cargo craft.

NASA Headquarters Photographers Pick Their Best

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket with the Lucy spacecraft aboard is seen at Space Launch Complex 41, Thursday, Oct. 14, 2021.

Sidney Poitier's Visit to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Legendary actor and diplomat, Sidney Poitier, visited JPL in 1979.

Drilling Holes on the Red Planet

This image shows the Highfield drill hole, on Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale crater on Mars, made by NASA’s Curiosity rover in its search...

Studying the ‘Lost Habitable’ World of Venus

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is designing mission concepts to survive the planet's extreme temperatures and atmospheric pressure.

Remembering Challenger and Her Crew

In this image taken in 1985, four members of the Challenger STS-51L crew train on the flight deck of the shuttle crew compartment.