How to sell TV

After reading my article dedicated to how to choose a TV and after thinking about it for a few days you have finally decided: you will replace your current TV in favor of a new model. But if you allow me I would like to give you some advice ... try to sell the TV you still have at home so that you can get some useful money to use to face the new expense.
How do you say? Have you already thought about it but you don't know how to do it and would you therefore like some useful advice on how to sell TV using the "power" of the Web? Well, then I would say that you have just landed on the right guide at the right time. In fact, in the following lines I will go to show you all those that in my humble opinion represent the best solutions of the moment to succeed in the enterprise. There is no need to be a great expert on televisions or even to have special trader skills, trust me.
Then? Do you want to start? Yup? Fantastic. So I would say not to waste any more precious time and to immediately start getting busy. Of course, I can't assure you right away that you will eventually be able to "place" your TV but certainly if you follow my tips you will have a good chance in this regard. As usual, I wish you a good read and I also wish you a big good luck.
high online classifieds sites
The first of the systems for selling TV that I want to suggest you to consider is the use of Internet sites dedicated to ads and more precisely to , a real giant in this sense. It is in fact a very famous portal through which users can publish ads to sell their used goods (but not only) and conclude the "deal" in person (and therefore presumably with cash payment) or remotely (with shipping of goods by courier and virtual payment). The site is suitable for the sale of the most disparate products but it is certainly not new that tech devices, televisions and other technological "gadgets" are particularly in demand.
You ask me how to use ? Nothing simpler! First of all connected to its main page, then click on the Insert ad button located at the top right. At this point, you will find yourself in front of a form to fill out in order to place your ad so you can start selling. Then select the Audio / Video category from the drop-down menu located under the Category entry and the TV one from the Type menu and then check the For sale option under the Ad Type entry .
Now upload one or more photos you took on the TV, enter a title for your ad, a descriptive text and indicate the sale price. Then specify the municipality in which the smartphone is located and choose whether to show the location on the map or not.
Finally, fill in the fields that are proposed to you on the screen by entering your name and your email address. Also add your phone number and, based on your actual needs, choose whether or not to hide it from other users by ticking the relevant box.
Finally, indicate the password you want to associate with your reserved area and type it again in the field to confirm your choice. Then add the check mark next to the box relating to the terms of use of the service and click on the Continue button .
After having carried out all these steps, you will receive an e-mail message from the team at the previously specified email address. The message contains a link to click in order to validate the announcement. Once you have confirmed your willingness to publish the announcement, the team will assess that the latter does not violate the rules of the service and will publish it on the Web within a few hours. Later you may also receive an SMS on the mobile number indicated during registration. The message contains a security code to be entered in the appropriate form shown on the screen in order to validate the announcement.
To ensure that your ad on is as convincing as possible and therefore to allow you to sell your TV as soon as possible, I recommend that you consider the following tips.
- Insert in the advertisement all the technical and physical details of the TV you intend to sell. If you don't know where to find the technical specifications, keep in mind that in most cases to get them just visit the website of the TV manufacturer or an online store such as Amazon.
- Complete your ad by inserting more real photos of the TV. Do not take pictures from the Internet as buyers prefer to see what you are trying to sell them really like.
- Highlight any defects on the mobile phone (e.g. marks on the body, dents, etc.). Being clear and honest in your listing increases the buyers' confidence rate in the buyer and will allow you to avoid any future trifles.
- Try to reply as soon as possible and in a polite manner to all the emails and phone calls you will receive. Delays and rude responses could make you lose a potential buyer.
- Precisely specify all details regarding the age, shipping and warranty of the TV within the listing.
- Try to set honest prices or in any case it is as much as possible in line with other similar advertisements on the net and on the site.
I would also like to point out that in addition to being available in the form of an Internet site, can be used via app for Android , iOS and for Windows Phone . The operation of the application is good or bad identical to that of the site, no special explanations are required to use it.
Finally, I would like to point out that, apart from , there are also other Internet sites with similar advertisements through which you can sell TV. So if has not been able to attract your attention in a particular way or if you are looking for further solutions to sell, my advice is to try to contact the equally well-known Kijiji , Shpock and / or Bakeka . Their functioning is more or less the same as that of .
Ad sites are particularly effective in most cases but if this is not the case you can rely on another excellent system for selling TV: auction sites and more precisely eBay .
Haven't you ever heard of it? Strange, it is very famous and moreover it has existed for years and years now. It allows you to create advertisements through which to auction your objects (but possibly also sell them directly) and provides a commission of 11.5% on all successful sales (to which a commission of 0.35 euros must be added per transaction + taxes on shipping costs). The addition of advertisements is free and also that of photos up to a maximum of 12 per advertisement. Instead, you pay for the inclusion of some accessory elements such as the subtitle, additional images, etc. For more information, you can check out my tutorial on how to sell on eBay .
It should also be noted that if you choose to use PayPal as a method, fees may apply to send and receive money. For more details, I recommend you read my post dedicated to how PayPal works .
As for the sales guidelines, the ones I gave you in the previous lines are valid when talking about . In addition, I suggest that you create ads that are as graphically curated as possible in such a way as to give them an inviting and professional look. This way you should be able to easily activate the attention of new potential buyers.
Social network
The solutions you can use to try to place your television online don't end here. Along with ad sites and eBay you can also contact social networks. Taking into account the fact that nowadays social networks are of considerable importance in people's lives and that they are used practically exclusively as means of communication, trying to insert an ad-style post on Facebook and / or Twitter could certainly be a good idea to try and sell TV.
In the case of Facebook, if you are subscribed to the service and are in contact with a good number of users, you can write and publish a post on your profile specifying the characteristics and price of the TV you want to sell and possibly adding one or more photos. After publishing the post, ask your friends to share it in order to try to increase the visibility as much as possible and the chances that someone can contact you for the purchase. In this regard, I recommend that you set the visibility of your post to Everyone to make what is published visible even to non-friends and to circumvent any limitations that may be imposed by Facebook.
Also consider that, again on Mark Zuckerberg's social network, there are several groups by way of markets through which users usually sell new and used products of various kinds. To find this kind of groups, just use the search bar located at the top of the social network by typing the right keywords (eg sale of used items or TV sales ) and then selecting those you think they can do . more to your case present in the Groups tab of the list that appears on the screen. Then publish a post within the group you signed up to following the same guidelines I gave you a moment ago.
Something more or less similar can also be done on Twitter, as I had already anticipated. More precisely, if you have a good number of followers you can try to publish a tweet with the characteristics and price of the TV you want to sell as well as a photo of it. Then ask your friends for a retweet and let them do the same with their other friends. This way, within a short time you may be able to connect with interesting people on your TV and close the sale. Interesting, right?
Trade-in services for large electronics chains
To conclude, I would like to point out that some of the most well-known electronic chains in Italy offer a trade-in service that allows you to purchase a new product (in this specific case a TV) upon delivery of the old one.
In most cases this is not a fixed option but is launched from time to time by various stores. To receive updates in this regard and to find out which appliance stores offer the trade-in service, just do some online research, for example on Google , or visit the Internet sites of the reference chains (eg Euronics, Trony, Expert etc.) and take a look at the section dedicated to the services offered and / or promotions.