App for investing on Bitcoin
Apps to invest your money comfortably remotely - In fact it is just like that: there are many investment possibilities and, given the importance of the topic, I also think it is right to get a better idea of how these applications work

In recent times, you have heard about the possibility of investing sums of money by taking advantage of technology, in particular smartphones, and by informing yourself a little around the Web you have come to know of the existence of applications dedicated to this purpose: real and your own apps to invest your money comfortably remotely. Not only that: you have discovered that there are as many applications as there are investment options, a world of possibilities that ranges from the optimization of savings to investment and the use of cryptocurrencies.
In fact it is just like that: there are many investment possibilities and, given the importance of the topic, I also think it is right to get a better idea of how these applications work. When it comes to the use and management of your savings, what you need is a guide! In this regard, I am happy to tell you that on this page you have found exactly what you were looking for. In fact, I thought I'd illustrate, category by category, the apps to invest in the stock market, in shares, small amounts or cryptocurrencies (eg Bitcoin) that I believe are more valid.
By reading the following lines, you will also have the opportunity to know the ideal tools for investing fake money, or fictitious sums in order to practice the investment mechanisms and gain more experience. In short, whether you are a beginner or willing to get "serious" with these apps, here you will find answers to what you are looking for. But remember: a careless management of your assets could also lead to no gain or, even worse, to affect the capital invested initially. Act with conscience and know that I do not take any responsibility for the use you will make of the solutions proposed below. That said, I wish you a good read and wish you a big good luck for everything.
General informations
Regardless of what your app investment idea is, I believe it is right to make a premise. After all, I don't think I'm telling you anything new, but it's always better to clarify that on the Web, as well as in real life, no one gives easy earnings and the general principle to follow is to always manage your savings wisely.
This principle is especially true in the area of investments: do not believe that by downloading an app and with a few taps here and there, you can immediately earn a fortune.
Investing taking advantage of the app is certainly a fascinating possibility that can certainly bear fruit, but as happens using the more traditional investment channels, there are risks associated with losing money and savings .
Therefore, above all else, the rule of preserving oneself is valid by making well-thought choices, dictated by experience and in the perspective that investing automatically means accepting a variable risk quota!
That said, there is no real reason why not to try to invest through the app, also because as you will read shortly I will also talk to you about apps to invest in the stock market for fake money , which is what I consider one of the best methods to learn and to develop. more familiar with investment dynamics.
Another important clarification is that the purpose of this guide is to give suggestions on the tools, or applications, to invest. It is therefore not an investment guide, as it is better to contact certified experts for this.
That said, with my app tips I'll help you find ways to practice alongside experts and suggest apps that can help you get started small and save you money.
One last recommendation: remember to always consider cryptocurrencies as real money. There are numerous apps that allow you to invest in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin , but it is important, especially if you are a beginner, to evaluate what to do with them and possibly how to convert them into real currency. In this regard, I take this opportunity to tell you that it is also possible to spend Bitcoins directly and earn them using various methods.
How do you say? Are you clear what it means to invest but have doubts about how to download and install apps from the Play Store and the App Store ? You have no reason to fear even this "technical" part, because I have created a guide that explains step by step how to download apps . Obviously the procedure is always the same, but feel free to consult it whenever you need it.
Well: having made the necessary premises, you are now ready to start reading the chapters on the apps for investing . So make yourself comfortable and give yourself a few minutes to get to know the different investment possibilities offered by the best applications out there and to carefully decide how to make and direct your savings!
App to invest in the stock market
When it comes to the stock market and investments, given and considered the risk associated with this kind of operations, one of the most important aids offered by the apps for investing in the stock market is certainly the possibility of monitoring and following the performance of indices and securities.
Trading online is certainly fascinating, but you need to be able to rely on effective and efficient systems to follow market trends. In addition to this essential function, which the best dedicated apps do best, some also allow you to interact and invest through a specialized trading service, to receive advice and even to exchange opinions and advice on investments, as in the case of social trading .
TradingView - Stock Charts (Android / iOS / iPadOS)
The Trading View app proves to be a faithful and efficient free tool for investing in the stock market, both if you are using an Android device and if you are an iOS / iPadOS user .
A not indifferent advantage of this app is the speed of startup and ease of use. In fact, as soon as it is opened, it shows the trend of some of the most important indices with simple graphics, communicative and updated in real time. The Filter function located at the top right is very convenient and from which you can change the order and indexes of the main screen, which can be ordered according to different criteria (name, price, variation and percentage variation). Next to the function just described, you can see a button with the + sign which, when pressed, allows you to add new indexes.
For a more detailed analysis of the trends, it is possible to tap on an index and immediately see the graph using the analysis functions from the menu on the left. The graph menu itself is accessible by tapping the Graph button at the bottom. The app also allows you to create your own profile by tapping on the last icon at the bottom right. To register, you can use quick authentication using your Twitter , Google , Facebook , Yahoo , StockTwits or LinkedIn accounts(if you want to proceed like this, just tap on the respective icons and enter your login data).
Moneyfarm (Android / iOS / iPadOS)
This no-cost application is provided by one of the most important Italian independent financial consulting firms and offers its savings investment services in a quick and practical interface. The app is available on Android and on iPhone and iPad .
Moneyfarm offers an agile and lean service to allow you to use your savings in investments managed directly by professionals in the sector, who always remain in contact and available to provide information or respond to requests.
Moneyfarm also allows you to make Direct Debit operations , a useful method for connecting your current account with your Moneyfarm account and transferring liquidity directly. The services offered do not end here, in fact there is much more to know: for this very reason, I invite you to consult my article on how Moneyfarm works , in which I have explained to you everything about the registration procedure and methods, as well as the costs of the service.
Speaking of the app itself, however, once downloaded and started, you are greeted by the welcome screen. Then, double tap on the blue Continue button and one on the Create your account button . The next step is to create a passcode to log into the app. The Dashboard menu shows the steps to follow before starting to invest, while the buttons at the bottom, if pressed, allow you to enter the Add Funds , Blog and Account menus .
By doing so you are ready to continue with the on-screen wizard and with my information collected in the dedicated article. From the application it is possible to consult your own Asset Management , the invested amount and the equivalent value. Another interesting function is that of Blogs , from which you can read interventions and opinions on investments and the general trend of the markets. Obviously, through the app, it is also possible to stay in touch with your consultant, in order to have a direct line with your investment choices.
Money investing app
The title of this chapter must not mislead you from what I have told you so far. Of course, investing in the stock market also means investing money, but in this chapter I will focus on the best apps that allow you to invest money without relying on the stock exchange.
The apps I want to recommend are mainly oriented towards managing your finances , so that you can better allocate your resources and produce savings. Amounts of money saved that you can then decide to invest using the other investment apps that I will tell you about in this article.
If you are looking for inspiration and advice on other types of apps that allow you to earn money by investing, for example, in a business, then you might be interested in my article on how to earn money with apps . Returning, however, to savings and their possible use via the app, here are the ones I think are the best.
Money Manager Expense & Budget (Android/iOS/iPadOS)
Available at no cost on Android and on iPhone / iPad , the Money Manager Expense & Budget application is a tool designed to manage your savings directly from your mobile device.
After downloading and installing the application, open it by pressing its icon, then tap the OK button and then click Allow , to allow the program to access the multimedia files. The first screen that welcomes you is practically a calendar divided by Daily, Calendar (monthly), Weekly, Monthly (list of each month) and Total .
From the menu at the bottom you can select the icons of the Transactions register, Statistics, Account and that of the Settings . The operation of the app is really simple because just tap on the big red round button with the + sign and from this new menu you can record earnings and expenses. In this way it is possible to set a budget and keep track of both your income and expenses, and view your budget on a daily, monthly and finally overall basis, updated in real time
Money Manager Expense & Budget is an ideal app for those looking for a very easy-to-use tool, without too many features and mainly useful for keeping track of their monetary availability with an eye always on savings.
1Money - expense, finance and budget management (Android)
Another handy app for managing your finances and money is 1Money , available for free on Android with the particularity of being able to organize all expenses and earnings by dividing them by categories and by time period (days, weeks, months and total).
The first thing to do, once the app is started, is to press the Allow button , and then immediately access the Categories screen , where you can set (at the top) an amount (between paper and plastic money) and then assign it to a of the categories present. If you don't find the one you are looking for, it's not a problem at all thanks to the function that allows you to create new ones.
From the icon menu at the bottom you can access further functions: to do so, press on the Accounts, Categories, Transactions and Summary items . From this last menu it is possible to graphically observe the progress of your expenses, divided into graphs and bar indicators. Precisely for its simple and clear graphics, I would like to recommend this app if you want a versatile and customizable tool to manage and organize the sums of money you want to allocate to savings.
App for investing small amounts
The apps for investing small amounts can be understood as an extension of the functions of the apps I told you about in the previous chapter . Yes, because once you have managed to manage your budget and you have set aside sums of money, you can decide whether to invest them by taking advantage of the tools that I will describe below.
The characteristic of the apps for investing sums of money starting from small amounts and daily rounding, is above all that of being able to manage the savings rules on their own, relying on specially created tools, expert consultants for making investments and communities of "savers ”Ready to share their experience.
Oval (Android/iOS/iPadOS)
One of the first apps that I suggest you use to invest small amounts is Oval , available on Android and for free. Once you have downloaded and launched the app in question, you can set up your savings rules, monitor and control expenses and then decide if and how to invest in financial products.
Once the download is complete and the installation of Oval is finished, you can open it with a tap on the appropriate green icon on the home screen or in the drawer. Then you will need to create an account by pressing the Create account button at the bottom right. After that you have to browse the three tabs, press the button Start now! and tick the privacy policy and terms and conditions . Next, you can enter a Promocode ; if you don't have one, simply tap the Skip button .
Once registered, the main screen of Oval shows your digital piggy bank and a summary of your weekly savings and, in the case of investments, the value of your portfolio. By scrolling down you can create savings plans , also setting steps based on your habits, such as the activation of a rounding of expenses (for example, by spending 2.98 euros, the app keeps 0.02 euro cents in the piggy bank) or the combination of a fixed amount of savings every time an action is taken (for example, with every publication or post liked on Facebook, so as to monetize the time dedicated to social networks).
By tapping the Weekly Savings button , you can see a summary of the transactions made during the period. The investment functions are instead proposed in the specific section with a summary of both the characteristics and the trend.
The functioning of Oval is therefore twofold, as it allows you to set aside your money in a virtual piggy bank and invest your savings in securities. To access this service, you must first also register a SEPA Direct Debit compatible bank account or card to allow the app to access your account information and transactions.
Gimme5 (Android / iOS / iPadOS)
Speaking of savings and small investments, I cannot fail to mention Gimme5 , an app for Android and iOS / iPadOS devices , downloadable without paying anything and, as I will explain below, really practical to use.
Gimme5 requires a registration to the service, which can be done immediately after installing it by pressing the white Register button , then filling in all the required data or taking advantage of the possibility of registering via Facebook or Google . Always remember to confirm the registration with a tap on the appropriate button in the confirmation email .
The app will guide you right away to use it with a quick on-screen tutorial . After entering all your personal data and having read the documents relating to the service, you can immediately start creating your savings plan with a tap on one of the white buttons that indicate the type of approach between Prudent, Dynamic and Aggressive . Then choose which amount to pay for activation (you can also leave the minimum of 5 euros) and confirm everything.
From the main screen you can tap on the orange icon with the app logo and modulate the savings goal. Also from the home screen, you can use the icon menu at the bottom to explore the news, find out about your savings and consult the goals set, or view and change your user profile. Clearly it is possible to set different savings rules and consult the community and friends among their contacts who use Gimme5 to support each other in the savings goals.
App to invest in the stock market for fake money
Do you aspire to become an experienced investor? Or are you looking for a way to gain experience and get familiar with the mechanics of the securities market and the trend of stock market indices? So, here is the chapter you were waiting for, the one with the best apps for investing fake money in the stock market and doing healthy practice without risking absolutely anything.
Thanks to the use of the applications I will tell you about, you will be able to experience firsthand the practical side of investments and simulate investment actions in situations inspired by reality. In some of them there is an interactive digital coaching function which, just like a true investment master, will guide you in the choices to make.
Start your training journey immediately by investing fake money with the apps that I will recommend, remember that the step from simulation to reality is always shorter and less risky than throwing yourself imprudently towards a complex activity you know little or nothing about.
Trading Game (Android/iOS/iPadOS)
Using Trading Game , which is available for free for both Android and iOS / iPadOS , you can get a complete overview of the dynamics of the stock exchange and how investing works through a practical and colorful interface.
Trading Game is an app completely translated into Italian and is structured in a similar way to a video game. From the main menu, just a tap on the first Learn button to start the structured learning tool in courses and topics, each of which, if addressed, earns fictitious dollars to be used in the investment simulator . Just this simulator is accessible from the main menu, with a tap on the Trading button , and then choose the type of investment from the icon menu located at the top.
The application also includes a Play mode , where you play a series of quizzes to make (or lose) fake dollars to use for investment practice. Finally, you can tap on the icon located at the top right that represents a graph to view all personal statistics, connect to your personal Facebook account and relate to the world rankings of users of the app.
Forex Game (Android/iOS/iPadOS)
To experience the dynamics of investing in the financial markets, you can also use the Forex Game app , available free for Android and iOS / iPadOS devices .
The app does not require registration to be used and as soon as it is started it offers you a summary screen on the performance of the stocks complete with a summary graph. You can tap the ☰ button to open the main menu which also includes the Start new game item , from which to start your training experience. From the same menu it is possible to tap on the item Objectives , to find out which of these have been achieved and which have not.
From the main screen, then tap on the icon depicting a touch to start learning by following the explanations and descriptions on Forex and trading dynamics. In addition, by accessing the Google Games service , you can use your profile to get involved in the community and enter the rankings. If you love sharing on social media, you should know that all results are also shareable on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter .
Bitcoin investing app
It's time to tell you about the apps to invest Bitcoin : the most widespread and traded cryptocurrency in the world. Despite this, the applications that I recommend are not limited to guiding and accessing investments in Bitcoin, but also allow you to invest in other cryptocurrencies.
If you are new to cryptocurrencies and would like to learn more about Bitcoin, I suggest you take a look at the articles I told you about in the introductory chapter . Once this is done, you will be ready to discover some very useful apps that allow you to create an electronic wallet to buy, sell and convert electronic money into real currency and the other way around.
Coinbase (Android/iOS/iPadOS)
In the field of cryptocurrency and investments, I can't help but tell you about the completely free app called Coinbase . You can download and install this service on all Android devices and those with iOS / iPadOS operating system .
Immediately after opening the app, you will be able to view the trend of Bitcoins on the market through two summary data that indicate the long period and the oscillation of the last day and a line chart on the fluctuations. By making a simple swipe on the cryptocurrency acronyms placed at the top, you can move on to analyze the trend of other coins.
Other functions of the app are accessible after registration, which can be done with a tap on the Login / Register item or on the white button Start here . After this procedure, you can manage your wallet and choose whether to buy / sell cryptocurrency or to tap the Withdraw and Deposit buttons to transfer funds from and to the virtual wallet.
The News function is also very interesting , to keep yourself constantly updated on the most relevant news in the world of cryptocurrencies. From the Settings section , you can change your profile information, set a service access key and choose the information to share between the app and your bank. More info .
Crypto App – Widgets, Alerts (Android/iOS/iPadOS)
Specifically created to keep up to date on the trend of the main cryptocurrencies and to make investment operations is the Crypto App - Widgets, Alert app . You can download this investment tool from the Google Play Store and the iOS / iPadOS App Store .
The screen that welcomes you when you start the Crypto App is the summary and updated in real time on the trend in the cryptocurrency market. In the left column there is the name of the currency and its logo, in the central area a miniaturized graph shows the trend of the stock in the last seven days and the current value reached. The right column, on the other hand, shows the percentages divided by time period.
To finalize the purchase of cryptocurrencies, you simply have to tap on the icon at the top ☰ and then on the item Buy crypto now : doing so will open a link on the app site where you can enter the amount of cryptocurrency to buy or the equivalent. in euros, finally you will have to enter the Bitcoin address before tapping the central Continue button to submit the request. If you do not have this Bitcoin address, you can get more information by tapping on the small green writing on the right don't have one? .
Also from the ☰ menu, two other useful functions are accessible: the news section , to keep yourself constantly informed, and the Converter section , a tool for immediate conversion of cryptocurrencies into real currencies. Also in this case the values are updated in real time.
Finally, I would like to point out that this application has a Premium version that can be purchased at a price of 4.99 euros . The main benefits are a better interface, up-to-date data from over 200 trading platforms, more detailed alerts, more widgets and more filters. In the case of the Premium version, the in-app advertising disappears completely.
Blockfolio - bitcoin prices (Android / iOS / iPadOS)
Another app I want to tell you about is one of the most used and is strong in a large community of users interested in investing in cryptocurrency. It's called Blackfolio - bitcoin pricing and is available on Android as well as iOS / iPadOS .
Once the app has been downloaded and installed, just start it and then tap the white central button that says Create New Portfolio , then choose the color of the interface you prefer, a name and the base currency used. Enter this information, you must confirm, with a tap on the Create portfolio button . To fill the portfolio, then, you have to press the white key with the + symbol and choose the currencies you want to follow using the scrolling menu or the search bar located in the center.
From the icon menu at the bottom you can select the respective sections of the News , to keep up to date on the news; Signal , where you can receive real-time updates directly from the project leaders; finally the Markets menu to get an overview on the trend of the cryptocurrency market.
To register and interact with the community that uses the app, you have to follow some simple steps: tap on the three dots vertically in the upper right corner, then press the purple key Sign In / Register , enter all the required data following the procedure on the screen and tap the purple Register button .