How to rate Mac
Are you going to sell your "bitten apple" computer to buy a newer model? Then you could contact the Apple Reuse and Recycling service , which allows you to deliver your Mac to the company

Are you planning to buy a new model of Mac and would like a hand to evaluate your old Apple-branded computer in order to buffer the expense? Well, I would say that you have landed on the right guide at the right time. In fact, with this tutorial of mine today I want to explain to you how to evaluate Mac .
You should know that there are several websites on the Internet that offer just the kind of service in question. Just fill in a few forms by entering your computer data and in a few moments you can get an estimate of the value of your Mac. Depending on the case, you can then get "in exchange" cash or vouchers to spend for the purchase on chosen site (or in the reference physical store) of a new Mac or other device.
The services in question, however, I would like to let you know right away, tend to underestimate the value of computers and in line much more generally than all the tech devices that can be evaluated. To get the best in economic terms it is in fact advisable to turn to ad sites and possibly even auction sites on which you can set the price as you wish (but on which you practically always find yourself making various negotiations with buyers). In any case, do not worry, below you will find explained in detail how to proceed in all cases. I wish you, as usual, a good read.
Apple reuse and recycling
Are you going to sell your "bitten apple" computer to buy a newer model? Then you could contact the Apple Reuse and Recycling service , which allows you to deliver your Mac to the company and buy a new one at a reduced price or to receive a sum of money to spend in the Apple Store to buy products of your choice.
How you do it? Very easy. First of all connected to the Apple website and then scroll down the page that is shown to you and click on the Mac link of 2007 or more recent that you find under the word Desktop and laptop Mac or PC .
On the page that opens, type the serial number of the Mac you want to evaluate in the text field located in the center of the screen and click on the Search button . Then use the drop-down menus that are shown on the screen to indicate the exact name of the Mac model in your possession, the screen size, the year of launch on the market and the processor in use, then click again on the Search button .
Not sure how to find the serial number of your Apple computer? No problem, I'll explain it to you right away. On your Mac, click on the apple symbol located at the top left of the macOS / OS X menu bar and select About This Mac . In the new window that will now open on the desktop, you will be able to view the information you need in correspondence with the item Serial number .
At this point, you will see a form appear in which to indicate the status of your Mac by answering Yes or No to the questions on the screen. You will therefore need to specify the status of the power supply, screen, body and keys / buttons. You will also need to indicate if the computer has been damaged by any liquids and if you still have the original power supply, keyboard and mouse. To conclude and confirm the information entered, click Continue .
Subsequently you will see a new page appear in which you will be notified of the evaluation made by Apple for your Mac. If you find the proposed sum satisfactory and you want to accept it, you can continue with the trade-in by clicking on Accept . Then you will have to follow the instructions on the screen to complete the whole procedure. If the amount proposed by Apple is not to your liking, click on the Reject button and close the browser tab relating to the site.
Obviously, if you were to accept the amount proposed by Apple, before being able to use the sum in question for the purchase of a new device or in any case for any expenses in the Apple Store, your Mac will be subject to all the necessary checks by the company employees. If your Mac really matches what was previously specified in the online form, the estimated sum will be confirmed and you will be able to spend it as indicated in the previous lines.
Another internet site you can consider to evaluate Mac is TrenDevice . It is one of the most important made in Italy portals dedicated to the used products of the Cupertino company. It allows you to sell your used vehicle by evaluating it directly online as well as to buy second-hand Macs, iPhones, iPads and Apple Watch at very attractive prices.
If you want to have your Mac evaluated on TrenDevice, the first step you need to take is to connect to the main page of the site and click on the Sell button located at the top right. On the page that at this point is shown to you, click on the Start here button located in the center of the screen, select the icon depicting a MacBook and indicate the Mac model you want to evaluate by always clicking on the relative icon.
Now, indicate the size of the screen and the series and then specify whether the computer is working or not and the type of processor in use. It then specifies whether the RAM is the basic one or has been upgraded and the type of hard disk used. Finally, indicate in what condition the computer is, if it is complete with the original and working mouse and keyboard or the original power supply and if you still have the sales package (the questions asked may vary depending on the Mac model you own) then click on the Currency button .
At this point, you will see a new page appear with the evaluation made by TrenDevice. If it convinces you, click on the button Yes, proceed and create an account on the site to book the collection of the computer by a courier.
As in the case of the Apple Reuse and Recycling service, once your Mac has been delivered to TrenDevice, it will be evaluated by the site staff responsible for carrying out all the necessary checks and within a few days of confirmation or denial of the online evaluation will be given via email or by phone. At that point, you can decide whether to finalize the sale or not.
If you are not interested in the evaluation made by TrenDevice for your Mac, simply refuse it by asking for the tab of the browser in which you opened the site.
Ad sites
If after evaluating Mac through the aforementioned sites you still feel dissatisfied and are looking for additional systems to be able to sell your Apple-branded computer to third parties and earn a little something, I can not help but advise you to try to insert an ad sale on dedicated Internet sites. Among the many present in the square, I recommend first of all , a real celebrity in this sense. It is in fact the most famous website in Italy in terms of buying and selling second-hand (and more). It is very easy to use and the results are guaranteed in most cases. Let's see in detail how to proceed.
First of all connected to the main page of and then click on the Insert ad button at the top right. At this point you will be shown the form to fill in to be able to insert your ad to sell the Mac. Fill out the form displayed by selecting the IT item from the Category section , checking the For sale box corresponding to the Ad Type item and then choosing Fixed computers (in the case of Macs) or NoteBok & Tablet (in the case of MacBooks) from the Type section .
Now upload one or more photos you have taken to your Apple computer that you want to sell, enter a title for the ad, a descriptive text and indicate the price. Then specify the municipality in which the Mac is located and choose whether to show the location on the map or not.
Finally, fill in the fields displayed on the screen by typing your name, your e-mail address and your telephone number (if you do not want to make it visible to everyone, remember to also check the Hide number box ).
Then choose a password to associate with your reserved area and type twice in the appropriate fields on the screen, put a check mark in the box relating to the terms of use of the service and then click on the Continue button .
Once the ad creation procedure has been completed, you will receive an email from containing a link to click on to validate everything. After confirming your willingness to publish the announcement, the staff will assess that the latter does not violate the rules of the service and will publish it online within a few hours.
When the ad is published, users interested in purchasing your Mac will be able to contact you by email and by phone (based on the contact methods you specify). You can then agree on the price of the computer with them and finalize the sale by meeting in person or by sending everything by courier.
Apart from , there are also other websites that, in a practically similar way, allow you to place ads to sell computers (and more). This is the case of Kijiji , Shpock and . If does not satisfy you, my advice is therefore to try these portals too.
To conclude, I want to suggest another good way to sell your computer after evaluating Mac: using eBay , the most famous auction site in the world.
It provides a commission of 11.5% on all successful sales (to which a commission of 0.35 euros per transaction + taxes on shipping costs must be added) and the addition of the listings is free. Even inserting photos is free but only up to a maximum of 12 per ad. Instead, you pay for the inclusion of some accessory elements such as the subtitle, additional images, etc. Additionally, when PayPal is used as a method of receiving (but also sending) money, fees may apply. For more information, I suggest you consult my tutorial on how to sell on eBay and my article dedicated to how PayPal works .
As for the creation of the actual announcement for auctioning, the procedure to follow is good or bad the same as that seen in the previous lines for .