How to update the decoder
For some time now, when you turn on your decoder , you see a message about some updates to be installed. You have never tried your hand at the operation

For some time now, when you turn on your decoder , you see a message about some updates to be installed. You have never tried your hand at the operation, ending up ignoring the message for some time, as you believed that the update procedure was excessively long or even unnecessary, but now you have finally decided to complete it.
You ended up in the right place at the right time! It is in fact a very important operation, which allows you to add new features to your device or, again, solve some annoying problems. In this guide of mine I will explain to you just how to update the decoder , whether it be a classic TV decoder for digital terrestrial, a satellite decoder or a smarter device with the possibility of connecting to the Internet for access to the now numerous streaming services.
Let's not waste any more time and let's move on to the facts. Give yourself a few minutes, identify the decoder in your possession and follow the instructions I am about to give you. I will explain to you how to update your decoder in all possible ways, bringing its system software (firmware) to the latest version available and telling you a little about the issue of changing to the latest broadcast standards.
How to update the TV decoder: digital terrestrial
The first category I will tell you about is that of digital terrestrial TV decoders . These are those technological devices which, connected to the TV via HDMI or SCART cable , allow you to view television broadcasts via digital terrestrial signal.
In this regard, it should be noted that after the first historic transition from analogue to first generation digital terrestrial TV ( DVB-T ) which ended in 2012, the transition to New digital TV will take place by 2023 , i.e. the DVB-T2 standard and the HEVC Main10 format . It will therefore be necessary to prepare for the switch-off by making sure that your TV or decoder is compatible with these technologies. Clearly, even updating its software, a decoder that is not compatible with DVB-T2 / HEVC standards will remain so : you can find all the details about it in this guide of mine.
If you have a device that is not compatible with the latest standards, you can take advantage of the TV Bonus to receive a contribution on the purchase of a more updated product: I suggest you take a look at my guide in which I talk about it in depth.
Whether you have a first generation digital terrestrial decoder or a new generation decoder ready for the transition to the new digital terrestrial TV, know that updating the TV decoder is an operation of fundamental importance as it allows you to correct any system defects, improve reception and add new functions, especially if the decoder also includes Smart functions via an Internet connection.
There are several ways to update the digital terrestrial TV decoder .
- Update over the air (OTA) - the “Over the Air” update is the most classic way to update the TV decoder as, as the name suggests, it takes place over the air, therefore via an antenna signal. Most of the decoders include this possibility which is, therefore, one of the most used but it is also the slowest.
- Update via Internet (OTN) - for decoders with the possibility of connecting to the Internet, another possible way is updating “Over the Network”, via Wi-Fi connection or Ethernet cable. This is a possibility usually present on top of the range devices or on decoders that also support the satellite signal of tivùsat .
- Update via USB (OTU) - a last possibility of updating is the one that sees the use of a USB stick with the update file usually downloaded from the manufacturer's website. This is the most functional system, as it guarantees access to the latest versions, not yet loaded via OTA or OTN, and which ensures greater reliability not depending on the intensity of the antenna signal or the Internet network.
Below I will explain how to update the decoder depending on the brand, pointing out some of the most popular ones (as well as suggesting some models that may interest you, in case you need to switch to a model compatible with the latest standards). I repeat that I will take care of the software : if you were looking for a guide on how to tune the decoder and therefore update the channels, I refer you to the tutorial that I dedicated exclusively to this topic.
How to update the TELESystem decoder
- TELE System decoders are among the most complete and popular on the market. The update procedure may differ slightly depending on the model in use. In any case, all TELESystem models have similar interfaces and menus so you will not find it particularly difficult to follow what I am about to tell you. The model in my possession is the TELE System TS6821 T2HEVC , a modern decoder already predisposed to the new digital terrestrial coding, with USB video recorder and media player functions. This decoder is also equipped with a double tuner that allows the tuning of both digital terrestrial and satellite channels.
First make sure that the decoder is properly connected to the antenna cable and that the reception is good. Press the Menu button on the remote control and, using the directional arrows , move left or right until you reach the SW Update menu . Here you will see several options.
- Update via USB - if you prefer to use this update mode you will first need to go to the manufacturer's website and search for the latest version available for your device. Then type in the model of your TELE System decoder and download the zip archive on a USB key previously formatted in FAT32 . Make sure you unzip the zip archive in the main folder of the USB stick, you should get a file like this “TEL018_10_0043.usb”, where the digits indicate the version of the downloaded software. Insert the USB key in the appropriate port of the decoder (usually located on the front of the decoder, as in the case of the model in my possession) and, from the menuUpdate via USB previously opened select the file just prepared. The update will start instantly. Make sure you do not remove the power to the decoder and, as a precaution, do not perform any operations until the update is complete. You can also use an alternative procedure : with the decoder switched off, insert the specially prepared USB key and power the receiver. When switching on, press the red button on the remote control repeatedly until the decoder automatically detects the update file and starts it up.
- Update now via OTA - another possible procedure is that of updating via the air . Select the appropriate item on the menu and the decoder will immediately search for the latest available version released Over the Air via antenna cable, with a scan on all available frequencies. You may think that this method is preferable to the previous one via USB , in reality not all software versions are released OTA and installation times tend to be longer.
- OTN update - the TELESystem decoder I tested has the ability to connect to the Internet via an Ethernet cable. The procedure is similar to the above but is performed Over the Network by taking data from the TELESystem servers. If possible I recommend this procedure compared to the previous OTA as it is faster and more efficient.
- OTN and OTA scheduling - while the USB update must be performed on the spot and manually, through this setting you can decide to schedule the automatic search for OTN and OTA updates . The search can be performed when the decoder is in stand-by (usually during the night, by default) or even during normal operation of the decoder.
n other TELE System models the updates section could be located in the Configuration Menu or in Tools . You may be prompted to press the red button on the remote to perform the manual update. In any case, don't be afraid! All TELESystem models have pre-activated the automatic update setting. From this link you can view the user manuals of all TELE System decoders .
How to update the iCAN decoder
Another well-known decoder brand is i-CAN . I-CAN decoders can also be updated to the latest version available. In this guide, I refer to a common model such as the T860 .
The i-CAN T860 model has the ability to be upgraded via USB . First check the version installed on your device. Using the remote control open the Menu and go to System then Information and then SW Version . Then check the latest software version available on the i-CAN official website and view the user manual of your decoder. If the version is higher than the one on your decoder, download it and save it on the root folder of a USB stick formatted in FAT32
Insert the USB key in the appropriate input on the decoder and go to System and then Software update . Here select USB Update and follow the on-screen instructions. For added security, at the end of the installation, the manufacturer suggests performing a factory reset . You find this setting in the System menu , by selecting the Reset settings item .
How to update the Fenner decoder
Fenner is another established brand in the field of digital terrestrial TV set -top boxes . The update procedure is similar to the above for models from other brands. In this case I recommend a modern Fenner decoder, already prepared for the new digital terrestrial and with an Internet connection, through which it is possible to connect to some multimedia contents such as YouTube . This is the Fenner GX2 .
So go to the Internet from your PC and search for the latest software version corresponding to your model. You will have to download it and save it on a USB stick of maximum 64 GB specially formatted in FAT32 , which will then be inserted into the decoder. Once this is done, with the remote control, press the Menu button and go to the System section where you will find the Software Update item
Here you can choose between Net upgrade (automated OTN procedure similar to the above , selectable if a cable Internet connection is available) or Update via USB .
Continue with this last item and, in the menu that appears, presses on File path indicating the location of the file on the USB key (the searched file is the one with the. Bin extension ). When everything is ready, press on Start and wait patiently for the procedure to finish.
How to update the STRONG decoder
Do you own a STRONG decoder and are wondering how to update it? Don't worry, that's just what I'm about to illustrate to you. The procedure is the same for each Strong decoder model, in this case I took as a reference the double tuner model and STRONG SRT8222 recording functions .
The update procedure takes place via USB and is quite similar to what is seen above for other brands. Download the latest version of the software and consult the user manual of your decoder from the official website and save it in a USB stick formatted in FAT32 . Note: it is important that the key is empty and the update file in .bin format is saved in the main folder.
Connect the USB key to the decoder and, by pressing the Menu button on the remote control, go to the System section (it has a gear icon where you will find the Software Update submenu . Now you will have to select the downloaded update file and the rest of the procedure will be completed by autonomous decoder.
How to update the satellite TV decoder
Tv Sat , or better tivùsat , is a free platform created to allow you to view digital terrestrial TV channels without the classic antenna, therefore in all those areas where there is not good coverage. The technology underlying this service makes it possible to receive the main digital terrestrial channels via satellite . I told you about it in detail here .
The tivùsat channels cannot be viewed with a classic decoder , it is instead necessary to have a satellite system, a tivùsat smart card that can be activated for free and obviously a tivùsat decoder . The latter, like the classic models for digital terrestrial, can be updated if there are new software versions released by the manufacturer.
How do you say? Have you purchased a satellite decoder that supports this technology, as the antenna reception leaves a lot to be desired in the area where you live, but you don't know how to update your satellite TV decoder ? Don't worry, keep reading the content of this guide and I'll explain how to do it.
How to update DiGiQuest decoder
The procedure for updating a tivùsat decoder is almost identical to that of the classic decoders for digital terrestrial. A first difference lies in the methods of updating, as decoders of this technology almost always support connection to the Internet via an Ethernet cable. In the next lines I will take for example a DiGiQuest decoder , a very popular brand in the field of satellite decoders for tivùsat technology . The update methods are similar for each model, in this case I took into consideration the DiGiQuest Q60 model , a recent version of decoder that also supports 4K technology .
With the remote control select the Menu button and go to the dedicated item S / W update menu . You will have the following options available.
- USB - From this submenu start the appropriate update file prepared on a USB key. The procedure is identical to what was seen above . Therefore, connect to the manufacturer's website and search for the model in use, as well as consult the model manual at your disposal.
- OTA - With this setting you start the manual search for available updates Over the Air .
- OND - From this menu it is possible to start the manual search for available updates Over the Network , an Internet connection is obviously required.
- OTA mode - This last setting allows you to decide the times and methods of the OTA updates relating to the channel lists. The automatic search is usually set during the night, when the decoder is in stand-by. You can also decide to start the search during normal operation of the decoder
How to update the Sky decoder
Sky is certainly one of the most popular pay-TVs in Italy. In order to view the channels and the vast Sky schedule , you must have an active subscription. There are several ways to subscribe to Sky . The most classic formula is based on the use of the service via satellite dish and decoder (such as Sky Q , Sky HD or My Sky HD ) but it is also possible to do so via the NOW online platformor with the Sky via Fiber service .
All Sky decoders are modern devices, comparable to compact mini-computers, and for the latter reason they require careful maintenance and frequent updates. In any case, you will need to connect your decoder to the Internet connection, via Wi-Fi or via an Ethernet cable. Therefore, follow the dedicated procedure for the model you are using.
- Sky Q - Press the Home button on the remote control and follow the path Settings> Info> Software version . Here, press the right arrow on the remote control and then highlight the Update item .
- Sky HD - Press the yellow button on the remote control and then select Decoder data . Complete the procedure by pressing the yellow button again .
- My Sky HD - The procedure is identical to what was seen above for the old Sky HD decoders .
I have already talked to you in depth about how to update the Sky decoder , so I leave you to read the guide that I have just linked to you.
How to update the TIMvision decoder
In recent years, on-demand TV has spread rapidly. TIMvision is the "Internet TV" service launched by the telephone operator TIM which allows those who have a fixed network subscription or even those who are not customers to be able to access a wide range of multimedia content, which goes from movies to TV series, passing through sporting events and cartoons.
In addition to a valid subscription , necessary if you are not already a TIM telephony customer (in this case some contents are already included if you log in using your telephone number), you will need support to view the contents. If you have a Smart TV you can download the appropriate TIMvision app from the dedicated store. If you don't have a Smart TV then you can use the TIMvision decoder . It is a TV-box with an Android operating system customized by TIM to focus the user experience on the TIMvision service .
Being an Android device you will have access to an infinite series of apps and multimedia contents. If you wonder how to update the TIMvision decoder do not worry, the procedure is quite simple, as it is very similar to the way you update Android apps . Then go to the APP menu and in the Google Play store look for the TIMvision app . If a new update is available, you can select the Update now button , thus keeping your TIMvision app updated.
If you intend to update the entire decoder, the procedure also in this case refers to that commonly used for Android devices . Go to the gear icon , then in the Settings menu look for the System Information item and manually check for updates to be installed on System Updates . In any case, the decoder itself will notify you of any updates to be installed. For more information on the TIMvision decoder I suggest you take a look at my dedicated guide .