Google related searches
Google related searches - Google 's related searches are all those that are suggested by the search engine in relation to a “something” that has been searched for.

Google 's related searches are all those that are suggested by the search engine in relation to a “something” that has been searched for.
They are very important for SEO and to meet the needs of Google's new BERT algorithm, with direct correlation to the starting query .
To make things clearer, BERT is the term used for the new artificial intelligence system; Google has recently integrated the algorithms and it is necessary to move immediately in order not to risk moving from the first to the second page as a result of user searches (just to give an example).
How to do? Here's everything you need to know and use.
What are related searches
To get an overview of the whole thing, you need to take one step at a time and understand why related research is so important. Whenever you do a search on the search engine , it returns the correct answer based on the keywords used .
Google 's algorithms work tirelessly and are so advanced that they interpret semantics , trying to give as many coherent (and useful) answers as possible. In fact, there can be a lot of users looking for the same thing at the same time and all the related terminologies are useful to refine your search.
A content full of words that accompany you by the hand towards full awareness of finding what you are looking for at that moment.
Where are related searches shown?
Google changes its structure and algorithms all the time. As for related searches, these can be found:
- In the search suggestions
- In the search SERP , at the bottom of the first page .
What is the best strategy for a company?
The characteristic of Google that does not escape is how it knows how to anticipate the times and thoughts of people. He often knows for sure what users are looking for or what their initial idea is. An important tool to be exploited to the fullest of its potential, considering every important aspect.
A company is able, thanks to Google, to anticipate content and services that can become first among user searches (increasing traffic and customer base).
The mistake not to make is to believe that it is only a matter related to SEO , because Google knows well the intentions of users on the web starting from a query that will be correlated to other determinants.
At this point it is clear that such a tool should be used to optimize the text for SEO keeping in mind that everything starts from the conversion of the user and his initial need. As mentioned, for search engines everything changes in a moment and BERT is the near future that could determine a different way of doing SEO and writing.
This is just a small slice of a big cake, where Digital Marketing strategies become as infinite as the ingredients that can be used for the various preparations.
Practical advice on related searches
But to take full advantage of Google's related searches and their potential, what needs to be done? There are two main steps to take into consideration:
- Research and study
- Create ad hoc content
The first phase is crucial to having more keywords available to exploit. In addition, you will also have to create a ranking of the most important keywords to create the main content. For what purpose? The correlation on Google!
The tools that the Web makes available are many, with paid tools and others free (albeit with fewer functions). The most used is SEMrush , excellent and versatile, ideal for those who have no time to waste and want concrete ideas. Try the Topic Research Tool within the suite to obtain related content thanks to the research topics .
For those not familiar with the tool, just go to Overview to find:
- Prominent subtopics
- Interesting questions
- The major titles for backlinks
- Related searches (top 10)
In short, useful and essential research to find ideas and start working on content in the correct way.
Also on SEMrush you can find a tool that analyzes keywords. An example? We start with an example query such as "Beautician in Milan", we move to Keyword Magic Tool by clicking on the Related Keywords Tab. To this are added the search volumes, the difficulty of some keywords, the trends of the moment and all metrics that can change the destiny of the content you are working on.
For those who want to use a free but still professional tool , Google makes Google Trends available . Easy to use, versatile and highly useful for this type of work. How does it work? Just type in a starting query or keywords to get all related queries and / or topics .
A tool to be exploited to its full potential, in fact with Google Trends it is also possible to establish a time frame by studying the search area.
Among the useful tools there is also Answer the public , with paid and other free functions, to obtain useful and interesting results. There is a tool that is little considered but of great importance, namely Wikipedia that is completely free and functional.
Some professionals in the sector have discovered that the portal with a thousand answers can also be an interesting tool. Wikipedia shows the Related Entries taking them directly from the encyclopedia.
At this point you are ready to move on to phase 2 with the creation of the actual content. Once all the information has been collected, the content can be enhanced and enriched with valid information.
The SEO part to consider is trying to figure out how to take advantage of related search , depending on your need. For this topic there are not the same answers for everyone, it depends on the topic and also on the final goal to be achieved.
The important point is to know and know how to use the tools that the Web makes available, free or not, to be able to carry out all related searches and be among the first results of the first page of Google .
How using Google related searches can improve your SEO
Google related searches can be a goldmine of ideas for your content.
In addition to providing you with keyword phrases to include in articles, related searches also give you insight into who your customers are and what their intent is.
In this article, we show you how to use related searches for both to improve your SEO.
It is also in Google's interest that the intent behind a user's search ( or user intent ) is understood, and that the use of keywords can be optimized accordingly, with the intent of positioning the your site.
If you can get into this mechanism, you will be able to create relevant and valuable content that Google will have no problem positioning with good positions. This is because you have proven to the search engine that you can understand your customers' requests.
Understanding user intent may seem impossible at first. How can we know what people want?
That's why Google's related searches come into play, which are practically made up of the eight search results shown at the bottom of a SERP.
By using related searches, you can get more insights into your customers so you can create content that is relevant and consistent with your searches. Both users and Google will find them useful, thus giving a good "boost" to your SEO.
But before…
Use of related searches to plan the keywords with which to optimize the contents
Google related searches can be useful when combined with a keyword planning tool. For example, suppose we go into a niche query like “how to keep bees”. In fact, it's so niche and so simple that we may not initially be sure it's worth it.
Let's try using related searches to find out.
We type “how to raise bees” in Google and scroll down to the related search space.
You will notice that the search engine has selected eight related keyword phrases that users use in their queries. The next step is to copy and paste each search term into the keyword planner tool or other similar tool in order to evaluate competitiveness and search volume.
This is how most people use related searches. However, you need to learn more by starting to use this source of information to learn more about your customers.
Using related research to understand user intent
As mentioned above, it's no longer enough to be good with keywords and other SEO metrics.
Keywords still matter, of course, but the context and intent behind a search now matter more. Related research can help you learn more about both.
Google introduced Hummingbird to help search engines understand the context and intent behind a search query.
Thanks to these insights, we understood that content must go beyond simple keywords. They need to offer relevant and genuinely useful information to customers for Google to return high rankings.
How does related research actually help with this?
Let's pretend that we intend to dedicate ourselves to the sale of handmade playing cards. We search for a query like “handmade cards” on Google to see what content is currently ranking. After typing Google will return some neat looking ads across the top with accompanying images, as well as search results of course.
Let's scroll down ignoring pages and ads to get to the related searches section. For those who are preparing to enter a niche commercially, such as that of hand-made cards, the related research section represents a valuable source of information.
Above the related research section reveals to us, on a superficial analysis, phrases related to the query "handmade cards". However, what it is really revealing to us is the user's intention.
Specifically, we can see that people are not looking for cheap things. They are looking for handmade cards, more expensive and if you want luxury than the classic ones, and they are looking to make a purchase. This simple operation has already given us a better profile of our potential customers. Let's understand more about their intent. But there are also other options that we cannot overlook.
What questions are people asking?
We may try to sell handmade cards, while others will try to buy them.
By forgetting the keywords for a moment and focusing on the use of related searches we will be able to find out what the user's weaknesses are in order to be able to trace a psychological profile.
The aim is to create relevant, high-quality content that comprehensively answers the questions asked - and therefore performs well in terms of positioning.
The key to good SEO is knowing who is behind a query, as well as knowing what their behaviors are and knowing their contexts. Once you get this information, your content will become even more relevant.
For example, returning to "handmade cards". What does this research really mean? We know what it means to us, but what does it actually mean to the audience we're targeting? We should also take into consideration the possibility that it could mean something completely different.
For us it might mean that we are looking for something handmade, cute and personalized, but if we were to add "where to sell ..." as a qualifier , it would mean that we are looking for online markets to sell our items. Finding out exactly what the user is looking for is our intent.
We certainly can't read minds and won't be able to figure out the user's intention until we do some research.
It is by evaluating related searches that we will be able to have a broader view of what our customers intend to search for. Do they intend to shop, research, compare items with other items, learn to do something, and so on?
Maybe I'm just looking for information. In any case, it is up to us to provide the right content.
Related searches show the user's goal
Remember, every time a user types something on Google, they are actually asking a question.
It is only when you understand what questions your customers are asking that you can really optimize your content.
Otherwise, the content of your handmade card site does not respond adequately to the needs of users, will not receive a deserving positioning.
What questions should you answer?
Here is the crucial point.
We know that users are looking for playing cards of a certain quality and made by hand. What if no one answers this question with relevant, top-notch content? It would mean there is room to enter this niche by increasing our SEO efforts.
Conversely, if this query has received a lot of responses in search results, there probably won't be much room for us.
Scrolling through the first page of the search results, we will be able to see some results related to unique and personalized cards. The results tell us that this particular intent has already received valid responses from our competitors.
This question has already been answered. Therefore, it may not be in our best interest to produce related content. Our climb in this sector towards the best results will probably not happen, or at least it will take some time.
Continuing with the navigation we note that handmade tickets for weddings are also offered. What is not returned, however, are relevant results for the query "handmade tickets for sale online".
There are a few online stores here and there, but there are no articles or pages that clearly offer users a comprehensive guide to the best online ecommerce where to find handmade cards.
This information could represent an important opportunity to position your content, and it's at your fingertips.
It is therefore evident: Google's related searches allow you to take advantage of user requests that have not yet been satisfied by your competition.
The presence of "luxury handmade cards" in related search does not mean that your competitors are churning out satisfying related content.
So it's up to you to fill this gap with comprehensive content that Google and your customers will love.
How to distinguish, by scrolling the results of the serp and comparing them with related searches, which intentions are answered and which are not?
When answering a query with content, be sure to cover all the "variables" by referring to concepts related to related searches.
What related keywords can you include in the same content and what other queries can you answer? The more areas you cover, the more value you provide, and the higher you can rank in the search results.
Google is changing and working harder and harder to connect users with relevant content.
And the key to all of this is to understand who our customers are before creating content.
Google continually searches for content that shows users the right attention, which is why you need to take the time to evaluate related searches and use them to learn more about the personality behind your target audience.
The secret is to properly answer those questions that have not yet been fully answered.