Position a web page thanks to internal links as you can do
Position a web page thanks to internal links as you can do - Internal links guide users through the content on your website. But they can also give you an edge in search engine rankings!

Internal links guide users through the content on your website. But they can also give you an edge in search engine rankings!
We are talking about Internal Linking .
By " internal links " we mean those links that point to pages, categories, posts, general information or sections of your website.
And if you're wondering if they can be optimized, the answer is yes!
But in the SEO world , the obsession with getting backlinks is such that Internal Linking is often forgotten.
If we build well the links that lead to the different pages of our domain, we will earn points in the eyes of Google .
The optimization of internal links in the context of on page SEO
I will explain how you can work with internal links on your website to turn Internal Linking into a fundamental pillar of your on-page optimization strategy .
Why are internal links important to Google?
Correct structuring of internal links on a website undoubtedly has advantages, including:
- Facilitates indexing of pages.
- Improve the information structure and hierarchy of the site.
- Improve the visitor user experience.
- Helps to increase users' visit time.
- It enriches and divides the contents into compartments.
For all these reasons, Google prefers correct internal linking . Do not forget that its goal is to obtain, that organic search results allow users to access quality sites, with valuable, clean, well-structured and usable content. ! And if you also help your search engine crawl and index your information, so much the better.
Schemes you can apply to structure links
Different types of Internal Linking strategies can be implemented , with the aim of structuring the site in the most rational way possible. The most common schemes are:
- Tree . There is a trunk (index) from which the pages derive, which in turn can link to other pages, all organized at three or more levels of depth. Imagine a very simple website of an SME, with its pages (Home, Information, Contacts…). One of these is "Services"; there you will find a link to another page in each service offered, so that the user can expand the information and, when he visits each of them, another link leads him to a "Success Story". This is a good example of a tree structure.
- Ring . It consists of developing a theme through several posts or articles. Each of these contains links to the next, in order to complete the information offered. In this way, the reader is forced to switch from one item to another if he wants to get a global view of the matter. It is the typical structure of a blog with no additional single pages and where the entries simply appear on the home page. Bloggers, even those who don't know much about search engine optimization , often post many such links.
- Mixed . Combine elements from the two previous schemes. With this criterion, you ensure that users who access one of the topics through Google, can know the existence of the rest, without having to access the page menu. The web which includes several pages and a section of the blog where posts are inserted is the clearest example.
In my opinion, the latter scheme is the best. From an SEO point of view , of course. With this way of structuring information, you can focus each page on a specific set of keywords .
How to distribute link juice on your website
"Juice what ... ?!" You may be wondering if you are not very familiar with the subject. Link Juice ! Something like "link juice". If you have SEO knowledge , you know exactly what I'm talking about. Links convey strength. It is a kind of authority that Google assigns and that is transferred through links. Let's go by points.
When someone links to you, they're telling Google that your content is relevant. He transfers some of his authority to you. This is Link Juice!
But it also works for internal links, even if no one but us tells Google that the content is relevant. But it works, because it helps the search engine decide which content within your domain is semantically related to each other and which of it is the most important.
According to this logic, a link in one of your posts, which points to the pages you want to position, gives it strength. But if that post has, in turn, been linked by another, the page gets even more relevance. The force flows through your website, and if you know how to link everything together, you can take advantage of it a lot.
How to use anchor text in internal linking
To build the kind of "web" through which Link Juice flows from page to page on your website, Anchor Text is vital.
Anchor Text , or “ anchor text”, is the visible part of the links. It is made up of words that refer to a page or resource.
In Anchor Text, you need to use terms that are directly related to the linked content. Not surprisingly, it is a useful resource for organic positioning . Google, and the rest of the search engines, see Anchor Text as one of the most important factors when it comes to identifying the theme of the website in question.
Important! You shouldn't always put the same keyword in the link . Google hates this kind of practice. It's smart to use related keywords, synonyms, and, in some cases, unrelated text.
For example, imagine you want to rank a page where you offer SEO services. The anchor text of the links should vary: "search engine positioning service", "SEO positioning service", "on site SEO optimization services". Even text like "click here" or "follow this link" is fine too.
In this regard, I invite you to read this article where I explain some tricks to create really effective anchor text without running any risk.