How to see the Google password
How to see the Google password

You have forgotten your Google account password and are literally desperate. So you threw yourself on the Internet to find out if there is a solution to recover it and you ended up on this guide of mine. Are things really like this? Great, then you will be happy to know that I have the answer you are looking for!
In today's guide, in fact, I will show you how to see the Google password using the password managers included in the most famous web browsers. Also, in case the Google password had not been previously saved on your computer, the your smartphone and / or your tablet, I will explain how to recover them using the special wizard made available by the Mountain View giant. Finally, in case you are looking for an easy way to save your Google password and never find yourself in a situation like the present one again, I will show you some solutions that could be for you.
I bet you're looking forward to my tips on how to effectively view and store your Google account password, right? In this case, let's not waste any more time chatting and take action. All you have to do is sit comfortably and carefully read the procedures that I will show you in the next chapters. There is nothing left for me to do but wish you good reading and, above all, good luck!
How to see Google password on PC
If your goal is to see the Google password on your PC, in the next chapters I will explain how to do this using some of the most popular web browsers .
Edge (Windows / macOS / Linux)
To see the Google password on Edge , start the latter through its icon on the desktop and, on the main screen, press the icon (…) at the top right. Now, click on the Settings item and then on the Profile side tab .
In the screen that is shown to you, press on the Password item to see the list of passwords saved on Edge. Now, using the search bar at the top, type the term to locate the stored Google account in the list below. To read the password, press on the eye icon and enter the password or PIN of your PC account and press the OK button .
Google Chrome (Windows / macOS / Linux)
If you use Google Chrome , you can find the passwords you have saved from time to time while browsing the web, through a special panel. If when you logged in to one of the Google services you agreed to save your account login credentials, they will be available in the Password Manager .
To reach this section, you can proceed either via the Chrome settings panel, or via the Web shortcut, using the URL . The stored access credentials, in fact, are also synchronized in an encrypted cloud space associated with the Google account added to Google Chrome.
In case you want to reach the Password Manager through the Google Chrome panel , press the ⋮ icon, located at the top right, and choose the Settings> Autofill> Password items on the screen that is shown to you.
At this point, in the list you see, use the text box at the top to search for your Google account credentials. For example, if you want to recover your Google Drive password , type the domain , so that you can filter the search and only find all the Google accounts that have been saved.
Once this is done, if you use the Google Chrome settings panel, press the eye icon to view the password. If, on the other hand, you are logged in to the cloud service for password management, click on and press on the icon with the eye to read the password. To access the information you've requested, you may be prompted to re-enter your primary Google Account password.
Mozilla Firefox (Windows / macOS / Linux)
All the access credentials entered during web browsing are stored on the Mozilla Firefox browser , if the user agrees to save them by responding in the affirmative to the browser's request. The password archive can be synchronized online with your Firefox account , if one is associated with the program.
To access the section relating to the logins saved on Firefox , start the browser on your PC, click on the menu icon located at the top right and select the Settings> Privacy and security items in the screens you see. Once this is done, press the Saved credentials button , which you find in the Credentials and password section , in order to open a new box.
In the screen that is shown, use the search bar at the top to search for your Google account credentials. For example, if you want to recover your Google Meet password , type the term to filter the list of all saved passwords. Once you have located the Google account whose password you want to see, click on the eye icon to see the password.
Internet Explorer (Windows)
Internet Explorer remembers passwords typed while browsing in the Credential Management section of the operating system 's Control Panel . To access this section, click on the icon with the magnifying glass , located in the lower left corner of the taskbar (on Windows 10 ), or click on the Start button (the flag icon located in the at the bottom left of the screen).
Once this is done, use the search field in the menu that opens ( Windows 8.x and earlier). Now, in the text field that is shown to you, type the terms "control panel" and select the corresponding search result.
Once this is done, in the Windows Control Panel window , select the items User Accounts> Web Credential Management , to view the list of all accounts saved while browsing the Web. Then scroll down the list until you find the result relating to accounts , and press the ▼ icon next to it.
At this point, press on the word Show that you find next to the Password item and unlock the screen using the login credentials of your user account on Windows, so as to read the password of the Google account.
Safari (macOS)
If you have a Mac , use the default Safari browser and have decided to store the passwords of websites in it, seeing the Google password is a very simple operation.
First, start Safari , and click on the Safari> Preferences items that you find in the menu bar, at the top left. At this point, in the screen that is shown to you, select the Password tab and type your Mac password to unlock this section (you can also use the Apple Watch paired with the Mac or the Touch ID integrated into the Mac).
Now, use the search bar to find your Google account credentials. For example, if you want to see your Google Classroom password , type the term . Once you have located the Google account whose password you want to see, click on it to read the keyword (in the Password column ). Simple, right?
If you are using macOS 12 Monterey or later, you can also use the Keychain available in System Preferences: to access it, click on the Apple icon in the menu bar and select System Preferences> Passwords ; then type your Mac password or identify via Touch ID or Apple Watch and you will be able to view the list of saved credentials. To read the Google password, move the mouse cursor over it.
How to see the Google password on mobile
Even on smartphones and tablets, therefore also on Android and iOS / iPadOS , the passwords typed during web browsing can be saved: in the next chapters I will show you how to see them by operating from the most famous browsers.
Google Chrome (Android / iOS / iPadOS)
On smartphones and tablets with Android and iPhone / iPad operating system , using Google Chrome it is possible to store all the passwords entered during web browsing.
In case you want to view the Google password saved in this browser, you can use the web panel at , to access the list of credentials saved both on a mobile device and from a PC, as well as I pointed out to you in this chapter .
Alternatively, you can access the browser settings panel by starting the browser and tapping the icon (...) . In the box that is then shown, select the Settings> Password items and scroll down the list until you find the words .
In the event that the list is too long, you can use the search bar at the top, accessible via the magnifying glass icon (top). Then type the term , to filter the search and immediately find the password of your Google account.
After identifying the Google account for which you want to see the password, tap on it and then press on the icon with the eye , which you find next to the Password entry and that's it.
Firefox (Android / iOS / iPadOS)
Through Firefox for Android (also on alternative stores ) and iOS / iPadOS you can save the passwords related to accesses made while browsing the Internet. in case you want to see the password associated with your Google account, you will have to carefully follow the instructions that you will find in the next lines.
First of all, if you use Firefox , on an Android smartphone or tablet , start the app using its icon on the home screen or in the drawer and press the ⋮ icon, which you find at the top right (or at the bottom, depending on to how you set the position of the bar). In the screen that appears, then select the items Settings> Credentials and passwords> Saved credentials , to access the list of saved passwords.
At this point, scroll down the list or use the magnifying glass icon to filter the results by typing the term . Then press the Google account whose password you want to know and choose the eye icon next to it to read it.
If you are using an iPhone or iPad , instead, start Firefox from the home screen or from the app Library and tap the ☰ icon, located at the bottom right. In the screen that is shown to you, select the Settings> Access and password items to reach the password management section.
Once this is done, scroll down the list or use the Filter bar at the top to filter the search by typing the term . Now, tap on the Google account and press the dots under the word Password . You will be shown a bar with some options: press on Show to read the saved password.
Safari (iOS / iPadOS)
All passwords stored while browsing the web with Safari can be viewed by accessing the appropriate section of the iOS / iPadOS Settings . To do this, tap on the gear icon , then select the Password items to access the list of all stored login credentials.
At this point, scroll the screen or use the text box at the top to type the term and then filter the search. After identifying the Google account, tap on it to access the details tab: you will find the password visible next to the word Password .
How to recover Google password
In case you were not able to view your Google account password using the advice I gave you in the previous chapters relating to the PC browser or those for smartphones , you can consider resetting your Google account password .
To do this, start the browser you usually use to surf the Internet from your PC, smartphone or tablet and go to . Once this is done, type in the email address of the Google account or the phone number associated with it and press the Next button .
On the next screen, you will be prompted to enter the password associated with the account. In case you no longer have to remember it, click on the word Forgotten password and follow the on-screen procedure for verifying your identity, based on the level of security enabled on your Google account. If the proposed recovery system is not useful for you, click on the word Try another method , to view another recovery option.
Specifically, you may be prompted for the last password you remember associated with your Google account, verification by code sent via SMS to the linked phone number, the answer to the secret question , the month and year when it was created. the account or verification by code sent to the backup email address .
If you have chosen one of the recovery methods among those previously set, you will simply have to answer the question proposed on the screen, by pressing the confirmation button, in order to type the new password to be set on the Google account.
How to keep the Google password
In case you often forget the password of your Google account (and not only that!), I can advise you to use password managers on your PC or on smartphones and tablets. Examples are 1Password , Bitwarden or KeePass , which offer various features, free or paid, for managing passwords in full safety.
For more information, I suggest you learn more about this topic through my guide on how to manage passwords or the one in which I tell you about apps to keep passwords .