How to start Windows 10 in safe mode
How to start Windows 10 in safe mode - For a few days now your PC with Windows 10 installed has become terribly unstable or does it stop starting and you would like to ask your most trusted and expert friend to deal with it?

For a few days now your PC with Windows 10 installed has become terribly unstable or does it stop starting and you would like to ask your most trusted and expert friend to deal with it? Well, before proceeding this way why not try to do everything yourself by starting the computer in safe mode? Maybe this way you can solve it with your own hands, without having to ask other people for favors.
How do you say? This would also interest you, but being very impractical in terms of computer science and new technologies, are you afraid of not being able to start Windows 10 in safe mode at all ? Come on, don't be a coward! Apart from the fact that, contrary to appearances, it is a very simple operation to carry out but then I do not understand what you are worried about if I am here with you, ready and willing to provide you with all the explanations you need.
Come on then, take a few minutes of free time all for yourself, make yourself comfortable and concentrate on reading this article of mine entirely dedicated to the question. Unfortunately I cannot give you the absolute certainty that in the end all your difficulties related to the use of the PC will be solved but there are certainly a good chance if the malfunctions are due to problems at the software level. Then, as they say, trying doesn't hurt. Do not you think? Enjoy the reading!
What is Safe Mode
Before explaining what are the operations that must be performed to start Windows 10 in safe mode, it seems only right to provide you with some more info about the nature of this special feature, in case you don't know what I'm talking about, of course.
Safe mode, as the name implies, is nothing more than a particular boot mode in which the operating system loads only its essential components, thus avoiding running third-party programs or drivers that could be at the root of its malfunctions. . Using it, it is possible to restore access to Windows and remove the software (usually malware or incompatible drivers) underlying the PC problems without having to go to format it.
Its use is therefore very useful in all those situations in which the PC begins to "get mad" and cannot be solved in any other way. As I have already anticipated, the use of safe mode does not guarantee, however, the fact that the problems encountered can be solved and in the most extreme cases, formatting is still the only viable solution.
Now that you have a clearer idea of how Safe Mode works, let's try to figure out how to enable it on Windows 10 . As mentioned in the previous lines, on the surface it may seem like a difficult thing to do but in reality it is not.
If you have the possibility to access the system you can start the safe mode on your PC equipped with Windows 10 by intervening from the OS settings. You ask me how? I'll explain it to you right away. To begin with, click on the Start button located in the lower left corner (the Windows flag) and choose Settings (the gear icon) from the menu you see appear.
How to start Windows 10 in safe mode
In the window that opens, click on Update and security , select the Restore item from the left sidebar and press the Restart now button located under the heading Advanced startup .
Once this is done, it will load a few seconds and you will be shown all the options available for advanced computer startup. To view the menu that allows you to access Safe Mode, click on the Troubleshoot button , then on Advanced Options , then on Startup Settings and finally on Restart and then wait for the computer to restart.
When your PC restarts you will be shown a screen with all the Windows startup options. To enter the safe mode you have to press the 4 key on the PC keyboard, while if you want to activate the safe mode with network support (i.e. with the Internet connection enabled) you have to press the 5 key .
As an alternative to the method I have just indicated to you or if for one reason or another you cannot start your PC in safe mode as seen above, you can still succeed in your intent in another way. Which? Now I'll explain it to you.
To begin with, click on the Start button on the taskbar and then click on the Stop button (the Power symbol), move the cursor to Restart the system and click on it, taking care to press and keep pressing the Shift key on the keyboard at the same time.
Wait a few moments after which you will see the screen appear with all the options available for advanced computer startup. At this point, to access the safe mode, all you have to do is proceed as I indicated in the previous lines, when I explained how to enable it by intervening from the Windows settings.
Keep in mind that in addition to as I have just indicated, you can enable Safe Mode in Windows 10 by holding down the Shift key on the PC keyboard also by operating from the lock screen, by clicking on the Power button at the bottom right.
Start Windows 10 in Safe Mode from the Command Prompt
Another way to start Windows 10 in safe mode is the one that involves the use of the Run window and a special command.
Therefore, call up the Run window using the Win + R key combination on the keyboard after typing shutdown /r /o
in the field next to the Open item and click on the OK button .
Windows will therefore restart and you will find yourself in front of the screen to access the safe mode in which you will have to click first on Troubleshoot , then on then on Advanced Options , then on Startup Settings and finally on Restart . So wait for the computer to restart and proceed as I indicated at the beginning of the article, when I explained how to start the system in safe mode by intervening from the settings of the same.
Alternatively, you can start Windows 10 in safe mode from the command prompt . To do this, type command prompt in the Start button search bar then right-click on its icon and select Run as administrator .
At this point, in the command prompt window , type bcdedit / set {default} safeboot minimal
to start safe mode without networking, otherwise to start with networking type bcdedit / set {default} safeboot network
. If you want to know more about how to use Command Prompt, I suggest you read my tutorial on the subject.