How to send money with PayPal
f that's the case and now you want to know how to send money with PayPal to give your best friend back, let me tell you you've come to the right place at the right time.

After thinking about it for a long time, you and your friends have decided to book a vacation and enjoy a few weeks of relaxation. Together with your best friend, you have taken care of identifying the most convenient hotel and choosing the cities to visit, drawing up a day-by-day itinerary. Upon completing the booking and payment, your best friend offered to cover the entire expense and collect all other attendees' money afterwards. By mutual agreement, you have decided that the best solution is to rely on PayPal , which allows you to send and receive money easily and, in some cases, without additional costs.
If that's the case and now you want to know how to send money with PayPal to give your best friend back, let me tell you you've come to the right place at the right time. With this guide, in fact, I will show you what are the rates that the service applies for sending money, what are the times for the transfer and, above all, I will show you the detailed procedure to succeed in your intent from computer, smartphone and tablet. .
How do you say? Is that exactly what you wanted to know? So don't waste any more time and get deeper into the topic right away. Courage: make yourself comfortable, take five minutes of free time and read the next paragraphs carefully. After identifying the solution that you think is most suitable for your needs, all you have to do is follow and put into practice the instructions I am about to give you and, in no time at all, I am sure you will be able to transfer money with PayPal. Enjoy the reading!
Preliminary operations and rates
Before going into the details of this guide and showing you how to send money with PayPal , it will be useful to know not only what are the rates applied by the famous service to send and receive money, but also what are the timing and conditions of use.
First of all, even if it may seem trivial to hear you say it, to send money with PayPal you must be registered to the service. What you may not know, however, is that the person you are sending the money to does not necessarily already have an open PayPal account: once the amount has been received, they will receive a notification with the procedure for opening an account and withdrawing their money.
Therefore, if you do not yet have a PayPal account, connected to the main page of the service , click on the Register and Continue buttons and enter your data in the Name , Surname , Email address and Password fields . In the new open page, specify the required data in the fields Address , ZIP code , City , Province , Date of birth and Mobile number and press the Accept button and create account .
If, on the other hand, you prefer to create your PayPal account from smartphones and tablets, using the application for Android and iOS devices , start the latter and tap the Register button , then enter all the required data in the appropriate fields and press the Accept button. and create account . For the detailed procedure, I leave you to my guide on how to have PayPal .
Now that you have created your account, all you have to do is know the details of sending money with PayPal, such as the fees applied and the transfer times. First, you need to know that sending money to pay for purchases is always free. If, on the other hand, you send money to friends, family or acquaintances, there are additional costs.
- If you are sending money using your PayPal balance or by withdrawing money from a bank account linked to your account, the transfer is free .
- If you are sending money using a credit or debit card (eg HYPE , N26 or buddybank ) previously associated with your PayPal account, there is a commission of 3.4% plus a flat rate of 0, € 35 . If the sending of money involves a currency conversion (for example from Euros to Dollars), a currency conversion rate is also applied which varies according to the chosen currency. Finally, if you are sending money to friends or family members outside the European Union, in addition to the fees indicated above, an additional flat rate is applied which ranges from € 1.99 to € 3.99depending on the recipient's country of residence.
As regards the timing of sending the money , if the transfer order was made before 4.00 pm, the operation is usually concluded within 1 working day from the date of placing the order. However, you should know that the transfer of money to a user with an active PayPal account is immediate if you have money available in your PayPal account or if the withdrawal is made from the bank account associated with your account.
Send money with PayPal from your computer
To send money with PayPal from a computer , connected to the official website of the service , click on the Login button at the top right, enter your login details in the Email address and Password fields and press the Login button to log in to your PayPal account.
Now, click on the Send and request item in the top menu and, in the new page open, make sure the Send tab is selected . Then enter the email address or phone number of the person you want to send money to in the Name, email or mobile number field and press the Next button . You should know that if the recipient of your request is already in your PayPal contacts, you can directly enter her name. On the What is the reason for payment screen? , click on one of the available options.
- Sending money to a friend : Send money to friends and family living in European Union countries. If the money sent is withdrawn from the available balance on your PayPal account or from your bank account (previously linked to PayPal), no commission is applied.
- Payment for goods and services : it is the best solution to pay for purchases made on the Internet. In fact, by choosing this option for sending money, the buyer (but also the seller) is protected by PayPal's Purchase Protection , which allows them to open complaints, obtain assistance and receive refunds in case of problems with their purchase.
Having made your choice, enter the amount you wish to send and, if you wish, add a message in the Add a message field . Then press the Continue button and, on the How do you want to pay? Screen . , put the check mark next to your PayPal balance , your bank account, or a linked card . If your PayPal balance is zero and you have not yet linked a bank account or card, click on the New Card item to add one on the spot. Then select the type of card to insert, check that the data shown in the Billing address fieldare correct and press the Save button to use this card to send money.
Now, click on the Next button and check the final summary: at the top you can see the payment method chosen to send the money, while at the bottom you can see the amount to be sent next to the item You will send , any fees applied next to the Rates option and the total that will be withdrawn from your account ( You will pay ). Press the Send money now button to proceed with the transfer of the previously indicated amount.
You should know that you can also send money to friends and acquaintances in the form of a gift, by attaching a personalized card. To proceed, click on the Send item on the main page of your PayPal account, select the Other option and press the Send gift button in the Send a gift box .
In the new open page, indicate who the gift is for in the Email address, mobile number or name field and press the Next button , then enter the amount to send and click the Continue button . On the Choose a Background screen , select the type of card to use ( Super Happy , Splits!, Always Great , Until Next Time , You have no equal and What a winning team! ) And click on the arrow icon at the top to turn the card and add your message in the Write a message field. Once you've finished customizing, click the Save button .
Then choose the payment method you prefer to use to send the money ( PayPal balance , bank account or card ), check that all the data shown in the final summary are correct and press the Send money now button .
If, on the other hand, you do not want to send money to friends or acquaintances and you do not have to pay for any purchases, but you simply want to transfer money from your PayPal account to your bank account or a linked card, log in to the main page of your account and make sure that the amount visible next to the PayPal balance item is greater than zero.
Pigia, then, on the Transfer money button , type the amount to be sent in the Amount field and select the bank account or card to which to transfer the money. Then press the Continue and Transfer [amount] buttons to initiate the transfer and send money to your account or card. To find out more, you can read my guide on how PayPal works .
Send money with PayPal from smartphones and tablets
It will be useful to know that it is also possible to send money with PayPal from smartphones and tablets . The popular online payment and money transfer service is also available as an application for Android and iOS devices .
After starting the PayPal app, press the Login button, enter your details in the Email address and Password fields and tap the Login button to connect to your account. On the main screen of your PayPal account, press the Send button at the bottom left, enter the email address or mobile number of the person you want to send the money to in the Email or mobile address field and tap the Next button .
In the new screen displayed, type the amount you want to transfer and press the Next button , then place the check mark next to one of the options between Family and friends (to send money to people you know) and Goods and services (to pay your online purchases using PayPal Buyer Protection ) and presses the Next button again .
Now, select the payment method you want to use for the withdrawal of the money to be sent by placing the check mark next to one of the options between PayPal balance , Bank account and Card and tap the Next button , then check that all the data shown in the Review screen and send money are correct and presses the Send money button to proceed with sending.
Unlike what is described in the previous paragraphs dedicated to the procedure by computer , using the PayPal application it is not possible to send money in the form of a gift. If, on the other hand, your intention is to send the money available in your PayPal account to your bank account or your card, tap the three dots icon next to the PayPal balance item and choose the View details option .
In the new screen displayed, press the Transfer money button , enter the exact amount to be transferred, press the Next item and select the bank account or card to send the money to, then tap the Next and Transfer buttons and you're done .