

Google related searches

Google related searches - Google 's related searches are all those that are suggested by the search engine in relation to a “something”...


Design and write a guest post

Design and write a guest post - This is the process I usually follow when I write a guest post for my friends link building campaigns...


Mobile First Indexing

Mobile First Indexing - Google has concentrated most of its actions to arrive at a well-defined and concrete process. This would be...


Social media marketing

Social media marketing - Social media marketing is based on a strategy aimed at using various tools available to increase the customer...


SEO voice searches

SEO voice searches - From voice commands, to operating systems, you get to applications that invite you to perform different types...


From SEO URL to SEO url Friendly

From SEO URL to SEO url Friendly how - in order to avoid duplicate content problems in search engines. So far so good, but, before...


Seo positioning by what is affected

Seo positioning by what is affected - These factors undergo continuous change and are divided into two types: internal factors (on-site)...


For a proper SEO strategy you first need a very good SEO...

For a proper SEO strategy you first need a very good SEO AUDIT - This is why one of the first things to ask a seo agency is a good...


Optimize your press releases

Optimize your press releases - Originally, press releases were a self-promotion tool for companies , both to raise awareness of new...


Position a web page thanks to internal links as you can...

Position a web page thanks to internal links as you can do - Internal links guide users through the content on your website. But they...


App for Apple Pencil

App for Apple Pencil - Are you looking for Apple Pencil apps that you can use to take notes ? Then take a look at the ones I have...


How to make the iPad pen

How to make the iPad pen - You have always felt comfortable with your iPad pen : it helps you to write, draw and interact with your...


How to add widgets on iPad

How to add widgets on iPad - you have found on the Home screen an option to add the famous widgets , one of the most anticipated new...


How to restore iPad

How to restore iPad - Restoring iPad simply means returning it to its factory state, resetting its operating system and deleting the...


Office for iPad

Office for iPad - Office for iPad  exists and is really within everyone's reach, as it has an extremely intuitive interface and is...